3 Biggest Mistakes New Realtors Make
Whether you're just starting out or have been in the business, avoid these common pitfalls that could hinder your success
If you’re in the real estate world, you know this business is not easy, and being a new real estate agent can be even more intimidating and overwhelming. You’re going to make mistakes and that’s okay! That’s how we learn and how we grow! But I’ve worked with a LOT of new agents throughout my career and I can pinpoint a few of the biggest mistakes I’ve seen newbies make repeatedly that prevent them from succeeding and succeeding FAST.
1. Not having a database of leads to work from
It doesn’t matter how good of a salesperson you are or even how well-trained you are, if you don’t know who you’re selling to, you’re not succeeding. This is the part they don’t show you on those HGTV shows. On TV it looks like a realtor and a buyer just magically connect and start looking at houses, the buyer makes an offer and everybody lives happily ever after. But the part that doesn’t make for such entertaining television is actually the most important part. How did the buyer and agent ever connect in the first place? Connecting with the lead is the most difficult part of a real estate transaction. Showing the house and selling the house happens naturally, but you need help finding that buyer to get started.
That’s why it’s important to partner with a brokerage that gives you leads, and I’m not talking about just a few random leads here and there I’m talking about high-quality opportunities: people who are in your area or relocating to your area who are ready to take action within the next few months.
At Jeff Cook Real Estate, we see it as an absolute must to provide our agents with these high-quality opportunities so that they’re spending less time hunting down leads and more time doing what they do best: selling!
2. Not working on their business every single day
A lot of new agents don’t realize how much work has to go into building your business. Building and maintaining your reputation requires a lot of work, especially when you’re first starting out! You’ve got to do something every single day that’s focused on growing and bettering your business, whether that’s reaching out to clients, watching webinars, brushing up on real estate law, practicing your presentation, working on your marketing, whatever it is, just make sure you are carving out time every day to do something for your business. You’ve got to be a better agent today than you were yesterday, and that doesn’t happen without a lot of hard work and dedication to your craft!
3. Joining the wrong brokerage
Unfortunately, I see this all the time. New agents join a brokerage that doesn’t offer them the kind of new agent mentorship or training that they need and guess what? They’re left feeling lost and overwhelmed. Not to mention the brokerages that don’t offer the kind of leads I mentioned earlier. Starting out is hard and if agents don’t get the support they need early on, they often lose their enthusiasm for business and burn out within about six months, and head for the exit.
Don’t let this be you! Do your research before joining a brokerage to make sure you’ll be getting the mentorship you need to set yourself up for success.
At Jeff Cook Real Estate, we pride ourselves on the agent support we provide. We offer excellent leads, extensive training, marketing support, and mentorship. Not to mention, our culture is second to none! There’s a reason we’re consistently ranked a Top Workplace in South Carolina year after year!
If you’re new to the business, we’d love to chat with you. Learn more about what sets us apart, and apply now!
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